The Zildjian S Dark Hi Hat Cymbal Pair is the perfect way to bring versatility and darker tones to any set of cymbals. With a universal standard 14" size, they are the ideal choice for all applications, no matter the genre. An excellent blend with other cymbal colors helps you create a unique sound, while the well-balanced and full-bodied hi hat sound ensures your set will be heard clearly throughout your performance. Built to last and made with Zildjian's proprietary finish, these hi hats will provide reliability for years to come. For all of your percussion needs, there is no better source than Zildjian; trust their team of experts to create gear that's fit for any stage. Elevate your set to new heights with this Pro-quality Zildjian pairing!
Random hammering and a proprietary finish push S Family in a rich and explosive direction. Darker, more complex, and slightly drier than S Zildjian, S Dark cymbals deliver the distinctive sound and look you want, with the intensity and projection your music demands.
S Dark Hihats
Available in the versatile 14” size, the S Dark HiHats are well-balanced and full-bodied, offer ample versatility across many genres of music, and will add darker shading to your overall sound.