D'Addario EZ910 / EJ26 Ultra Pack Acoustic Guitar Strings

SKU: S-12-293




Includes: 1 set of D’Addario EZ910 85/15 Bronze Acoustic Strings, Light, 11-52 and 1 set of D’Addario EJ26 Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Strings, Custom Light, 11-52

PHP 750.00

PHP 600.00

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EJ26 is a custom light Phosphor Bronze set that features lighter top and bottom strings for ease of playability and balance. Since D'Addario introduced Phosphor Bronze guitar strings in 1974, they have been synonymous with warm and well-balanced acoustic tone.

EZ910 - D'Addario 85/15 Bronze EZ Strings feature a specially formulated copper-zinc alloy which delivers the vintage bright tone of 80/20 with the extended life qualities of phosphor bronze.


1 set of D’Addario EZ910 85/15 Bronze Acoustic Strings, Light, 11-52
1 set of D’Addario EJ26 Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Strings, Custom Light, 11-52

Hight Quality and Durable
Made in USA
11-52 Acoustic Guitar Pack