Harnessing the full potential of digital mixing, the Allen & Heath dLive S7000 control surface rejects the typical faux-analog console experience in favor of intuitive pinch, swipe, drag, and drop gestures. Dual 12" touchscreens, 36 faders, and six assignable one-knob/one-function rotary controls provide you with at-a-glance visual feedback and immediate tactile command over your mix. Using the S7000 is a piece of cake, thanks to easily assignable inputs, clearly named virtual scribble strips, and customizable SoftKeys. Built from high-grade metal and packed with dual redundant, hot-swappable power supply capability, the Allen & Heath dLive S7000 control surface performs reliably under the most demanding of circumstances.
The Allen & Heath dLive S7000, when used in conjunction with MixRacks and expanders, combines to form a powerful and infinitely expandable system. A dLive system is capable of delivering up to a mind-boggling 848 x 848 inputs and outputs, all running at 96kHz. The MixRack is the brain of the system, containing the XCVI core, and is supported by a whole host of surfaces, apps, software, TCP/IP control, and IP remotes, all of which provide different means of controlling the mixer. You get five 128-channel I/O ports that support Dante, Waves SG, ACE, and MADI, along with DX32 modular I/O expanders and full compatibility with ME personal mixing systems.DLive systems are flexible enough to tackle any mixing challenge that we throw at them.