Zildjian K1420 K Custom 18-inch Special Dry Trash China Cymbal offers you with a collection of advanced K voices like no other. Additionally, you'll also receive sounds that set the standard for contemporary cymbal design. Zildjian K Custom Series is where the Zildjian Sound Lab went into innovation overdrive. Allows warm shimmering tones of a ride cymbal or the dense sizzle of a pair of hi-hats, K Custom cymbals all create a uniquely incredible sound. These K Customs K1420 grant drummers to adjust their K sounds to meet the necessities of modern music. Zildjian Special Dry Trash also features of chock-full of raw, short sustain with dark sounds. Inspire your drumming with dirty, funky overtones. This K Custom sensitive crash is extra thin to thin in weight, and with a fast attack and decay.